everything dark is a doorway

EVERYTHING DARK IS A DOORWAY (Palimpsest Press) was nominated for both a Pulitzer Prize and for the Jerusalem Prize for the Freedom of the Individual in Society. Select poems received the Constance Caraway Erskine Award for Poetry from the National Society of Arts & Letters chosen by John Ciardi.

The Lost Parade by John Alspaugh

the lost parade

“THE LOST PARADE delights in appearance, content and style: Art, poetry and short stories live together and belong to the ‘edge effect’ that began in the late ’70s with the acceptance of prose poems into the verse canon. In this genre, more than one medium often appears between a book’s covers. . . . THE LOST PARADE is a synthesis and a nudge to other writers that this might be the perfect time to experiment again. Think William Blake in cowboy boots.”                       

— Style Magazine, Susan Hankla, author of CLINCH RIVER

american fiction #3

“This, truly, is a breath of fresh air for us all, writers and readers alike.” —Raymond Carver

“A must-read collection for all short-fiction enthusiasts.” —Booklist

“Dig in.” —Tobias Wolff

WP3_Amer Fiction